Migration is a reality of our time. Thousands of people are forced to leave their homes, fleeing from violence, conflict, poverty, inequality, natural disasters or climate change, and looking to build a better future in another place. Spain receives migrants and refugees from several regions around the world. This is why, through the Hospitalidad campaign, we want to support these people and provide a comprehensive response in terms of welcome, solidarity and integration.
Walking with the marginalised is one of the Universal Apostolic Priorities of the Society of Jesus, 2019-2029. Walking alongside the poor, the world’s discarded, those whose dignity has been violated, on a mission of reconciliation and justice is one of the priorities to closing the social gap and leaving no one behind.
The social organisations of the Society of Jesus pool our know-how and our efforts to promote a culture of solidarity and inclusion with migrants and refugees. We focus mainly on three areas:
The Hospitalidad campaign is based on four main areas of action:
© Sergi Cámara
Reception and support networks are at the core of what our work is all about and are essential for creating autonomy, inclusion and full access to citizenship.
Our response focuses on those people who have been forced to migrate and who also face difficulties in accessing official reception systems or those who are particularly vulnerable. Reception not only includes residential housing resources, but also socio-labour assistance processes, as well as legal, psychological and educational support and, in short, paths to integration and access to citizenship.
© Sergi Cámara
Our response is also designed to address the root causes of forced migratory movements at the source. Supporting those who are looking for a dignified and safe life, even beyond our borders, is essential.
In partnership with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), we provide educational, job and psychosocial support to the displaced population in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, as well as in humanitarian emergency contexts.
© Irene Galera
Looking at the long term, beyond immediate and emergency solutions, is essential in our response. Learning about the underlying causes of migratory movements, understanding the people who are experiencing the migratory process and empathising with their situation is vital if we want to bring about a social transformation based on a commitment to solidarity, inclusion and justice.
That is why we believe that informing and raising awareness in society is fundamental if we want to foster communities that are committed to justice, inclusion and hospitality.
© Sergi Cámara
We have seen that the political responses of the European Union and member states to the arrival of thousands of people in need of protection have been both restrictive and insufficient in recent years, leaving these groups even more vulnerable. Most governments have opted for greater investment in border control and push back measures, as well as outsourcing migration management.
The joint European response in 2022 to the flight of millions of people from the war in Ukraine has shown that, if the political will exists, responses can be developed to create legal and safe pathways for those fleeing violence, persecution and extreme poverty. Over the last few years, we have supported people coming from other areas of conflict and inequality who have had to face dangerous routes to reach Europe. This is why we engage in social mobilisation and political advocacy to ensure that governments adopt protection and support measures for migrants and refugees.
Your help is essential to build a culture of solidarity and inclusion with refugees and migrants.